
Services Offered

On The Spot When Your Not

Once you step out of your property, allow GVM to handle any ongoing concerns. While you may have cameras installed, it's unlikely that you will be monitoring them in real-time while you're out for dinner, sleeping, or on vacation

Holiday Event Monitoring

In today's unpredictable times, it's hard to anticipate what may occur when hosting a large group of people. That's where GVM can step in and act as your eyes at your event or during that long weekend.

Nighttime Monitoring

Enjoy a peaceful night's sleep while GVM keeps an eye on your property. However, do keep in mind that in the event of criminal activity, GVM will alert and wake you up promptly.

Daytime Monitoring

Crime can occur at any time, not just during the night. Whether it's someone attempting to stage materials, target equipment, or exploit a vacant property, GVM is here to provide comprehensive coverage and support.

Parking lot Monitoring

Have you witnessed how efficiently a thief can remove car parts or steal a vehicle? It's unfortunate that this skill isn't applied to an honest job. However, with GVM monitoring the lots, you can rest easy knowing that you'll be notified if any suspicious activity occurs

Criminal Activity Notification

How often have you heard a car alarm blaring without anyone taking action? With GVM overseeing your site, monitoring movements, and alerting you to any suspicious activity, you can be confident that appropriate measures will be taken to address the situation

Fire Watch

Imagine having a fleet of vehicles, and suddenly one of them catches fire. With GVM's monitoring system in place, immediate action will be taken as they quickly contact the fire department.

Authority Dispatch

In dark and fluid situations with multiple intruders, it can be challenging for one person to maintain constant surveillance. However, with GVM, your property will be closely monitored, ensuring that incidents are promptly reported to the authorities.

Loss Prevention

Are you concerned about potential losses happening without your knowledge? By employing GVM to monitor the movements of customers or employees, you will be promptly notified of any suspicious activity, ensuring that you stay informed and can take appropriate action.

Vendor Arrival

"Did my material arrive yesterday?" With GVM's assistance, you will receive a text notification when a vendor arrives onsite, providing you with immediate information about the arrival of your materials.

Safety Verification

"Is the Safety Guy here?" or "Where is the Safety Guy?" GVM doesn't mind being the person everyone dislikes. It will notify you whenever Charlie is not wearing his vest or hardhat, ensuring that safety protocols are followed.

Door Left Open

Were you raised in a barn? There is an uneasy feeling of arriving in the morning and discovering that the last person who left the night before forgot to close the door. With GVM, you can avoid such situations as it will send you a text to notify you if the door was left open.

Gate Left Open

Gates and fences only work when they are closed and secured. If the last worker out leaves the gate open then the gate can’t do its job to keep unwelcome guests out. You don't have to worry about such situations with GVM. It will notify you with the following message: "Hello customer, this gate is typically closed, but it has been left open."

Alarm Activation

Why wait for a crime to occur? Envision an intruder assessing the property, searching for the optimal way to scale the fence undetected. GVM eliminates this concern with a straightforward button press. It will activate an alarm with a voice warning, effectively deterring potential crimes before they happen.

More Places Than one

Choose constant surveillance with GVM instead of relying on a live guard who may use their phone or doze off. GVM ensures continuous monitoring wherever you have cameras, and the cost of live monitoring is much more affordable than hiring a live guard.

Equipment health/optimization

When was the last time you actually checked on your camera system? When something went wrong? With GVM, you don't have to worry about that because we will notify both you and your service provider of any issues with your system.

Real Time Notification

This is WHAT happened and WHAT IS happening.If an intruder is spotted, we immediately activate a siren, notify both you and the police to ensure swift action is taken. This provides action during the incident, not after the fact.

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